
This form field type is used to transform user entered identifiers to Doctrine entities.

In contradiction to the EntityType provided by symfony/doctrine-bridge, this form field type does not retrieve all entities in order to display them in your forms, which is particularly useful when you are working with large data sets, or if you are using a custom search/select field that retrieves the data via an API.

Rendered as:

  • input text field


Overridden options:

Parent type:

Basic Usage

$builder->add('task', EntityType::class, [
    'class' => 'AppBundle:Task',

Configuring as a form field type


    arguments: ["@doctrine"]
    tags: [{ name: form.type }]


<service id="DarkWebDesign\SymfonyAddonFormTypes\EntityType">
    <argument type="service" id="doctrine" />
    <tag name="form.type" />

Field Options


type: string required

The class of your entity (e.g. AppBundle:Category). This can be a fully-qualified class name (e.g. AppBundle\Entity\Category) or the short alias name (as shown prior).


type: string or Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager default: the default entity manager

If specified, this entity manager will be used to load the entity instead of the default entity manager.

Overridden Options


type: boolean default: false

This option specifies whether the type contains child types or not. This option is managed internally for built-in types, so there is no need to configure it explicitly.